Health and Community Organizations

Most of these organizations have a website with lots of valuable information.  Please visit them and if you have any questions, please contact us.

211 - By dialing 211 or visiting the 211 website, users can easily and quickly connect to the community and social services they need, anywhere in the province.

811 - When you call 811, a Registered Nurse with Nova Scotia Telecare Services will give you the advice and information you need and provide reassurance concerning all kinds of general health issues and questions. Please note: if you are calling on behalf of your care recipient, please make sure you are near him or her when you do, and that you state that you are the primary caregiver.

AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia - exists to empower persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and those at risk through health promotion and mutual support, and to reduce the spread of HIV in Nova Scotia.

ALS Society New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - is dedicated to helping individuals with ALS who reside in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with information, navigating the health care system, family support, and an Equipment Loan Program.

Alternative Programs for Youth and Families - provides a full range of care, treatment, counseling, assessment, education and hands-on services to support families across the province to stay together. 

Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia - is the leading not-for-profit health organization working to improve the quality of life for Nova Scotians affected by Alzheimer's disease or other dementias and advance the search for the cause and cure.

The Arthritis Society - The Society is Canada’s principal health charity providing education, programs, and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis. In Nova Scotia, contact them toll-free at: 1.800.321.1433

Association of Black Social Workers (ABSW) - ABSW is a volunteer charitable organization consisting of Black Social Workers and Human Service Workers throughout the Province. They provide support and education through courses, seminars, and workshops for persons of African descent. 

Autism Nova Scotia - provides programs and services to the autism community.

Bartimaeus Inc. - Specializing in support for individuals, families and organizations working with complex behaviour.

Beacon House - Their mission is to provide food, clothing and programs for those in need in our community in a caring and compassionate manner. Serving families in the Bedford, Sackville, Fall River, and Hammonds Plains areas. 

Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia - is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a framework for self-help within Nova Scotia's brain injury community. 

Breton Ability Centre - is committed to providing quality services and supports to people of varying disabilities. They support individuals to develop personal, social, vocational, and educational skills so they can participate actively in their communities.

Brigadoon - provides a camp experience for children, youth, and families living with a chronic illness, condition or specific need in Atlantic Canada.

Camp Triumph - provides a unique summer camp experience for children across Canada with a sibling or parent with a serious chronic illness or disability. Camp Triumph: where kids with a sick family member get to be kids again!

Canadian Cancer Society - is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. 

Canadian Mental Health Association (Nova Scotia Division) - Get the facts about mental illness.  Find help for yourself or others.

Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation - They aim to raise awareness and understanding about mesothelioma in Canada, as well as to foster support networks for patients, families, and health professionals.

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) - Information on CNIB programs and services offered in Nova Scotia and PEI, including upcoming events, activities and volunteer opportunities.

Canadian Red Cross - operates the very well known and appreciated Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP) that supplies people with beds, canes, crutches and more on a temporary basis. The Red Cross are also experts in disaster management including planning for disasters and evacuations.

Cerebral Palsy Canada Network - is a partnership between provincial Cerebral Palsy Associations and Kids Brain Health Network to enhance the health and well-being of children, youth and adults with cerebral palsy and their families. Visit the website to find out if there is a CP Champion in your area.

Community Health Teams - Offer FREE wellness programs and wellness navigation services in the communities of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford/Sackville, and Chebucto. Sessions include Managing risk factors, Food, nutrition and weight management, Physical activity, Emotional wellness, Parenting, and more.

Craig's Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society - Provides current information, education, awareness, and support to patients, caregivers, and physicians affected by or working with pancreatic cancer.

Dartmouth Adult Service Centre (DASC) - DASC is a non-profit vocational day program for adults with an intellectual disability. Services include pre-vocational, vocational, community employment, recreation, and leisure, and more. 

Diabetes Canada - Their mission is to lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while working to find a cure. They offer a variety of programs and support services. Toll-free: 1.800.326.7712 or local Halifax: 902.453.4440

Easter Seals - enables Nova Scotians with physical disabilities to enhance their quality of life by achieving their individual potential through Active Living, Assistive Devices, and Family and Community Support programs.

Haley Street Adult Services Centre Society - is a vocational training facility for adults with disabilities. Their unique programs and services provide an opportunity for people to learn skills that will assist them along the continuum of independence. 

Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre - serves military families in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Shearwater, Central and Northern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, with service sites in Halifax, Shearwater, and Sydney, Cape Breton.

Health Association Nova Scotia (HANS) - is a membership-driven association of health and community services organizations spanning the full health continuum in Nova Scotia.

Heart and Stroke Foundation Nova Scotia -  is a volunteer-based health charity that leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application; the promotion of healthy living; and advocacy.

Hepatitis Outreach Society of Nova Scotia (HepNS) - is a charitable organization that reduces the impact of hepatitis through support, information, and education.

Hope for Mental Health - Formerly the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia. Their mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of people, families, and communities in Nova Scotia affected by schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, and all related mental illnesses.

Horizon Achievement Centre - a vocational training and employment service centre for adults with mental disabilities or who face multiple barriers to employment, and live in Cape Breton Regional Municipality.

The Huntington Society - a not-for-profit charitable organization that raises funds to deliver individual and group counseling services to support individuals and families living with Huntington disease (HD) and to fund medical research to delay or stop the progression of the disease. 

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) - is a leading community organization that welcomes immigrants to Nova Scotia.

Inclusion NS - is a province-wide, not-for-profit association of people with intellectual disabilities, families, and others leading the way to build a just and inclusive society.

Independent Living Nova Scotia (ILNS) - is a non-profit group controlled by persons with disabilities, supporting people with any kind of disability or a combination of disabilities. The ILNS centre provides opportunities for persons with disabilities to meet at social events, and share tips and information.

LakeCity Works - offers free employment services to people with a mental illness. Their goal is to help mental health consumers to improve their quality of life by assisting them to gain independence through work. And, they will come to you!

L'Arche Atlantic Region - In L'Arche, people who have intellectual disabilities and those who assist share life and daytime activities together in family-like settings, called 'communities, that are integrated into local neighbourhoods. L'Arche has over 200 homes and workshops or day programs across the country.

Legal Info Nova Scotia - their website has easy-to-understand legal information to help you deal with everyday legal problems. They will also refer you to legal help resources in Nova Scotia. You can also call their Legal Information Line: 902.455.3135 (Halifax Regional Municipality) or toll-free in NS: 1.800.665.9779 

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (Atlantic Region) - The mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) is: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. The toll-free number is: 1.855.515.5572

Lung NSPEI - The mission of Lung NSPEI is to lead nationwide and international lung health initiatives, prevent lung disease, help people manage lung disease and promote lung health. Their Provincial and national offices work together to help the one in five Canadians who have breathing problems.

LungNSPEI - offers the Sleep Apnea Refurbishment Program, which collects gently-used, new models of CPAP and BiPAP machines. With the help of volunteers, Lions Clubs, and the Dalhousie School of Respiratory Therapy, the machines are refurbished and provided to people who cannot afford therapy.

Make-A-Wish Nova Scotia - Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Along with the national office, eight regional chapters grant magical wishes to children in need. Contact them for more information: Toll-free 1.877.466.9474

Mill Road Social Enterprises - provides vocational, personal, and social skills training for adults with intellectual disabilities. For more information, call 902.258.3316.

Multiple Sclerosis Society - provides services to people with multiple sclerosis and their families and funds research to find the cause and cure for this disease.

Muscular Dystrophy  - is a national health charity committed to improving the lives of people with neuromuscular disorders. They offer services and support programs free of charge.

Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program - is responsible for cancer programs and services across the province including cancer prevention and early detection, treatment, follow-up, supportive care, palliative care, and end-of-life care.

Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association - is the provincial body for hospice and palliative care in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Public Libraries - If you are looking to find out what is going on right in your own community we suggest you contact your local library.

Nova Scotia Respite Partnership - has developed and continually updates its incredibly useful respite guide for Nova Scotia caregivers and families. You can download the latest version here.

Ottawa Public Health's Mental Health Caregiver Guide - a guide for caregivers of persons living with mental illness and/or experiencing mental health challenges. It is broken down into two main sections: Caring for You and Caring for the Individual.

Pathways to Employment  a not-for-profit social enterprise that offers individuals with mental illness meaningful, supported employment through its three social businesses.

Parkinson Society Maritime Region - Their mission is to “Ease the burden; Find a cure” through support services, education, advocacy, and research.

prideHealth provides safe and accessible primary health care services for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA). This acronym may also be found as LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ2S+, and 2SLGBTQIA+.

Prostate Cancer Support Canada - This is the national council of support groups that bring together people who are going through, or have already gone through, the experience of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, navigating the many treatment options, and managing the different chronic side effects that may accompany treatment. They provide an opportunity for individuals, and their support people/partners, to share their personal experiences and thoughts and to receive emotional support from others in the group. There is a local support group that meets in Halifax on the THIRD Thursday of each month from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm at the Grace Chapel (255 Ross Street, Halifax). Partners are welcome to attend these meetings. Contact Richard MacFarlane at 902.457.0644 or at for more information. You can also visit their Facebook page at

reachAbility - provides accessible opportunities for persons of all abilities. Their programs--including self-awareness, employment, and recreational--camps, and events are all free to their clients.

Self-Help Connection - assists Nova Scotians in taking control of their health by increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources for individual and collective action.

Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion - offers vocational services, residential services, and Supported Living assistance to adults with intellectual and mental health disabilities. They also provide on-site respite services through the Department of Community Services.

Shift - Shift is a specialized care operator.  The organization manages and staffs complex care facilities. With a strong focus on supporting children & youth, we incorporate cultural and on-the-land opportunities, paired with experiential learning and trauma-informed care. Our programs are driven by a leading team of professionals from across the country.

Support Services Group Co-operative Ltd - is a not-for-profit co-operative for persons living with disabilities. It provides social support, learning, and networking opportunities, and acts as a liaison between Members and their families. Toll-free: 1-855-466-0230.

Strongest Families Institute - is a not-for-profit company that delivers evidence-based programs to children and families dealing with mild to moderate mental health and other issues impacting health and well-being.

Tetra Society of North America - is a non-profit organization that helps find solutions to environmental barriers faced by people with disabilities. While these environmental barriers are a part of a person’s journey, Tetra Society believes their solutions help foster greater independence, quality of life, and inclusion. Call the Halifax Chapter at 1.877.688.8762 or email to find out more.

Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) - provides many programs and services across Nova Scotia such as personal support, nursing care, palliative care, and community services such as transportation, Meals on Wheels (Frozen Favourites), and a volunteer visitors program, all to enhance each client's quality of life. They are located throughout Nova Scotia. Please visit their website or call 1.866.540.2356 to find a location close to you. Please note not all services are offered in all areas.

YMCA  - There are several YMCA locations across Nova Scotia open to men and women.  Please visit their site to choose a location and see the available programs.

YWCA - An organization for, by, and about women and girls, the YWCA provides a continuum of critical services and programs. Visit the website or call 902-404-9922 for location and program information.