Other Support Groups
Here you'll find support groups for caregivers of loved ones with specific health conditions. Some organizations invite care recipients to attend these sessions as well. Please contact the organization directly for more information.
Alzheimer Support Groups - for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
Annapolis Valley Health Seniors Mental Health Dementia Support Group - Their dementia caregiver support group is held on the 3rd Monday of the month (except July/August) from 1:30-3:30.
Location: 5 Chipman Dr, Kentville Industrial Park. Contact Pam McKinley, 902.365.1701 Ext 2866
Autism Nova Scotia - Each chapter has different programming including support groups for caregivers of people with ASD. Please see the website for details of what your local chapter offers.
Colchester Stroke Club - runs a support group every Tuesday from 10 - 2. Douglas Street Rec Centre, 36 Douglas St, Truro. Contact Sheila Osmond - 902.893.2756.
Craig's Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society - this support group is open to anyone who has been diagnosed with any form of cancer, and their family/friends. Each meeting includes a guest speaker with expertise in dealing with pancreatic or other cancers.
Eating Disorder Support Group - This virtual support group is for the caregivers, friends, and families of those with an eating disorder. It occurs on the second Thursday of every month.
Grief and Bereavement Support Groups in Nova Scotia - are found in our Hospice and Palliative Care section. You may also find a grief and bereavement support group in your area here or here.
Grieving Hearts Bereavement Peer Support Group - bereavement peer support group in Amherst. It will run every Thursday evening from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm beginning on September 29 and concluding on December 1, 2022. Call 902.667.9126 or email sayork.16@gmail.com to register.
Laing House Family Support Group - For parents, family members, and friends who provide significant emotional, psychological, financial, or other support to a loved one who has a mental illness. Meetings are held on the 1st Monday evening of each month from September to June.
Living with Cancer Support Groups - For those who have had a diagnosis of cancer, for their family and caregivers.
Sydney: the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Contact Stasia Digou for more information at 902.567.8551 or stasiadigou@eastlink.ca. To find other Living with Cancer support groups, visit the Canadian Cancer Society's website.
Multiple Sclerosis Society Self-Help Group - connecting families living with MS in Atlantic Canada via teleconference.
Nova Scotia Pain Self-Management holds support groups in Annapolis Valley. Topics are related to health and wellness and pain self-management. Contact the People in Pain Network (PIPN) via email: info@pipain.com for more information or to register.
For caregivers of loved ones living with mental illness - This group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Location: Evangeline Club, 130 Commercial St. Berwick, NS B0P 1E0. Contact: Carl Cann 902.681.2448 or 2getcarl@gmail.com
Ostomy Canada Society - has 5 chapters throughout Nova Scotia that provide support and information for persons who have had or may have ostomy surgery, their families, partners, caregivers, and friends.
Parents Supporting Parents Society, Truro - offers a monthly support group for parents with children who have special needs, in addition to many other services.
Parkinson Support Groups - Offers support groups in Halifax, Amherst, Cape Breton, and Annapolis Valley. They offer a caregiver support group in HRM on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Contact Lisa Frankland at 902.422.3656 or lisa.frankland@parkinson.ca for more information on the HRM Caregiver Support Group.
Pictou County Prostate Support Association - runs a support group in New Glasgow on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7 pm. The group runs from September to May.
Prostate Cancer Support Halifax - Offers a support group on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm at Grace Chapel (255 Ross Street, Halifax). Partners are welcome to attend. Contact Richard MacFarlane for more information at 902.457.0644 or peterclaire@eastlink.ca.
Hope for Mental Health (formerly the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia) - encourages and facilitates support for people, families, and communities in Nova Scotia affected by Schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar and all related mental illnesses