Legal Resources

At Caregivers Nova Scotia, we receive a number of legal enquiries.  We are unable to provide legal advice, however, here are a number of links that we hope you find helpful.


A Personal Directive Video by Capital Health - This 5 minute video gives an excellent explanation of what a Personal Directive is.  

Personal Directives in NS - Planning for the future is important. You should think about who you would want to make decisions for you if you are not capable (temporarily or permanently) to make them yourself. You should think about what kinds of decisions should be made for you and how they should be made. The two forms below will help you get started:

Instructions for creating a personal directive and sample form

Instructions for creating a personal directive and sample form (naming a delegate only)

The Federal, Provincial, & Territorial Ministers for Seniors Forum on the Government of Canada's website contains useful information on the benefits and risks of having a Power of Attorney, or a joint bank account. There is also a link to a downloadable booklet: What every older Canadian should know about: Powers of attorney (for financial matters and property) and joint bank accounts

How To Get Legal Information and Advice - The organizations listed on this information sheet can give information on legal issues or can help find a lawyer.

Justice Access - This program is offered by The Association des Juristes d'expression francais de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. It helps people complete any type of form, be it court or government-related, and offers support over the phone in either English or French.

Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia (LISNS) - is a charitable organization providing Nova Scotians with information and resources about the law since 1982.  A very useful resource is an online booklet called It's In Your Hands:  Legal Information for Seniors and their Families.  

Family Law Nova Scotia - offers information relating to the law, processes, and services that make up family law in Nova Scotia.

Epilogue Wills - an online platform that helps you make a will and estate planning documents in less than 20 minutes.