Individual Sections

Section 1 - Getting Organized
Inside you'll find charts, checklists, and other tools to help you get organized. There is information on challenging or responsive behaviour, health crisis planning and emergency preparedness, and communicating with family, friends, and healthcare providers.


Section 2 - Taking Care of Yourself
Inside you'll find tips on managing stress and maintaining well-being. There is a stress quiz to help you think about the levels and causes of stress in your life, and practical tips to manage it. There are also tips on healthy eating, exercise, and sleep.


Section 3 - Legal and Financial Matters
Inside you'll find a brief overview of some legal and financial issues faced by caregivers and care recipients.
There are explanations of specific legal documents (such as a Power of Attorney or Personal Directive), and information on programs, benefits, and tax credits.

Section 4 - Information and Support
Inside you'll find information on programs, benefits, and tax credits that can benefit both caregivers and care recipients, and who provides them. There is a list of health organizations, as well as resources that may help if you or your care recipient are a member of a visible minority or ethnic or cultural group.